Even after
the glitter fades"
Stevie Nicks
| |


Trullee was also known as The Serpent Queen. Her best
friend was John who ran the light show at the Whisky. John
passed away several years ago, but Trullee said that he left her
all his slides from the Whisky shows; and night after night from 1961-70,
Trullee snapped photos at the Whisky and many other
clubs in Hollywood and San Francisco. She has some unbelievable
shots that she said she would start sending to me.
Here's the first batch:
On the left is Mario at the entrance of the Whisky.
To the right is Lee Michaels sitting on a stool
behind Sugarbear who is standing.
The Wall upstairs at the Whisky and John
On left is a photo of the Whisky stage before the makeover
and on the right is a teen getting an interview with Steve Winwood.
Note the 'no booze for youth' stamp on her hand.
This is Trullee. She looks familiar doesn't she?
Thank you, Trullee!
Here's Batch #2...
Ian Whitcomb at the old It's Boss club and
the playbill for the Hullabaloo that says
"The Palace Guard, Band Without a Name,
and the Knights of Day."
Ticket for the Hullabaloo and two members
of the Palace Guard.
Chad and Jeremy, 1966 at the Hullabaloo and
and old Whisky poster
A ticket for the Standells and the Doors at Whittier High School.
One week later at the Fantasy Fair in Devonshire Downs
with the Doors, and the last photo on the right is "Jim again."
Group Therapy playing at the Whisky and
Miss Mercy and Bernardo at the Cheetah club
for the Lenny Bruce Festival.
Batch #3
Trullee can't remember who the person is with Sugarbear,
and she's also not sure who is in the right photo either.
Hammond Guthrie thinks its Bryan Maclean of Love.
It's believed to be John Echols on left, Bryan on right.
Nothing unusual about a memory failure.
Trullee thinks that is Traffic's drummer, Jim Capaldi, on
the left and doesn't remember the person on the right.
She said the kids on the left were Somebody's Children
who did an album with Mae West. The Midnighters on right.
The Kaleidoscope at the Whisky
and Trullee's old bus.
Her old monster camera case that contained
three cameras and six lenses.
Batch #4
Photos on left and in center are members of Strawberry
Alarm Clock--no names yet; far right is Spooky Tooth
backstage at the Whisky.

H.P. Lovecraft backstage in San Francisco on left.
Trullee thinks the other two photos are New Years
Eve at the Whisky.
Looking at the room (Whisky) after the show.
Middle photo is Lacy, Trullee's younger sister.
Trullee's house "was a crazy place with people coming
going all the time--for a night, sometimes a week, sometimes
a month or more. There were five bedrooms and my dark room
was set up in the bath room. Lacy raised mice in the upstairs
hall next to my owl. There were twelve cats, my Chinese crested
dog and the poodles, oh, and super chicken in the back wash room."
Here's another batch of killer photos
from Trullee:
Two great shots of Jim Morrison
On the left is Jim at the Theatre in the Round Jan 20, 1967.
On the right is Jim backstage between shows.
Trullee went over to Ian Whitcomb's one day to
collect the records she had loaned him. On the right
is John Kay backstage in SF April 27.
Tiny Tim at the Newport Pop Festival and
Lindley of Kaleidoscope
Took a while, but Trullee finally sent along another
great batch of photos:
The first photo is Marlow but we called him Obie.
He knew everybody in Hollywood and we all knew him.
One night he introduced Trullee to Jobriath. The next
photo is of Jobriath and Miss Connie. The last is of
beautiful Marquies. Trullee says that without these
people, Hollywood would just not have happened for her.
These are photos of the Chambers Brothers
at the Newport Pop Festival.
Cher, Goldie, and Chet Helms
David Crosby, the beautiful Alice Cooper, and
Paul from Jefferson Airplane.
The Pie Fight
"When the pie fight started on the last night, we
climbed a ladder and got away without getting hit.
Someone heard that the crowd was going to rush the
stage after the last number so they went out and
got dozens of pies, BUT the crowd started throwing
them back and it got really nuts.
These photos are of the pies, the fight, and a
photo of Tom Nieto of Scenic Sounds Productions.
First photo is Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead picking pie
out of his hair. Then the police showed up and it
was over.
Here's the next new batch!
"We all remember this place and all its incarnations.
"The owl and I"
Dennis Christopher
"Hair" went on tour and Jobriath is saying his good-byes.
Little Dennis, the baby of the group.
"Dennis was going to Europe to find fame and fortune...
...if he can fit into the car to get to the airport.
I wanted to go too, but I couldn't sell the montster
house. After my husband died, things got really crazy."
"I spent a lot of time at Pam's (Pamela Courson) shop.
Looking back, I recall she once said, 'I don't know what
I'd do if something like that happened to Jim.'
I had given her some of my orchids for the shop; I
had so many. She and Jim were going to Paris...
'We'll see you there.' I was certain I could get away
this time. Then I got a really strange phone call,
and the news hit the next day."
Pam's business card.
Around the first of September, I received another
great batch of photos from Trullee. I've lost track
of how many batches she has sent at this point, but
it doesn't matter; these are just great historical
photos that she has taken the time to send me.
L-R Trullee and her friend, Dennis back from Europe.
Jon and Dee, and Trullee
L-R Invitation to a party, Paradise Ballroom announcement,
Not sure according to Trullee's description, Richard?

L-R Two shots of Morrison's grave, and the poem
that Trullee's little sister wrote.
Below are three killer shots of Morrison.
More to come from Trullee...
Great shots just in from Trullee!
That's Robby and Morrison above.
Morrison, John, Zappa.
Keep em coming, Trullee!


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